Friday, April 27, 2007

Ants (E.R.)

Ants are closely realated to wasps and bees. Most ants live together in big colonies near their young. They are usally found in all terrestrial habitats where they are often dominate. There are about 15,000 ants in the whole world and about 600 in the U.S.A.

Ants size can be from 0.04 inches to 1.4 inches long. The ants strong jaws help cut leaves to eat as well as other plants too. Adult ants feed on nectar, honeydew, and fungus. The younger ants, which are called larvae eat food from other insects or seeds.

Some ants in tropical areas (like Africa and Austrailia) build nests by "sewing" together groups of large leaves. They sew the leaves together using strands of silk produced by the larva's salivary glands. Ants also cut leaves into smaller pieces near their nest to fertilize fungal gardens with their excreta.

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